A school uniform helps promote a sense of belonging and pride towards being a member of Langney Primary Academy.
Uniforms often save parents and carers from wrangles over what to wear with their children. Good quality pullovers, cardigans and fleeces, embroidered with the school logo, are available to buy from our online supplier.
It is very important that all items of clothing have your child’s name on them, please. On external school visits, it is essential that uniform be worn.
Reception to Year 6
Sky Blue Langney Polo Shirt
Navy Langney Sweatshirt or Cardigan
Navy Langney Fleece or Jacket (optional)
Grey Trousers (no joggers), Grey Skirt, Grey Pinafore or Grey Shorts
Blue Gingham Summer Dress (optional)
Black School Shoes
Grey/White Socks or Tights
Your child's PE Kit will depend on their assigned House.
The following PE uniform must be worn:
House colour PE T-Shirt with the Langney logo
House colour PE Hoodie with the Langney logo
Navy PE Shorts or Navy PE Jogging Bottoms
Black Plimsolls or Trainers (advised in KS2)
All dresses, skirts, shorts and PE shorts must be knee length.
Reception & Key Stage 1 - Compulsory Langney book bags and PE bags
Key Stage 2 - Small suitable backpack (optional Langney backpack)
Swimming Kit Recommended (KS2)
Costumes, towel, swimming cap. Verruca socks may be worn if desired. Goggles are optional.
On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery at Langney Primary Academy. Children with pierced ears can only wear small studs and need to remove them before P.E. lessons.
Inexpensive watches and sports watches (Step counting etc) can be worn but they are brought in at the families risk. If they are used inappropriately in lessons then a discussion with families will be had about whether it will be continued to be worn in school.
Make-up and Hair
Children should not come to school wearing make-up, this includes nail varnish and false nails.
Hair and hairstyles can link to pupils’ cultural heritage and LPA does not discriminate against this.
Long hair should be tied up/back for health and safety. Hair accessories, including bows and headbands should try and follow the school colours. Extreme haircuts are not permitted. Hair should not be dyed away from natural hair colour.
Religious clothing
Some religions and beliefs require their members to conform to a specific dress code.
LPA does not discriminate against any religion or belief; however, the school must weigh the needs and rights of individual pupils against the cohesion and health and safety concerns of the entire school community. The school endeavours to allow religious requirements to be met.
Uniform is available to be purchased from our online supplier, Mapac for purchasing uniform items.
Support for families to access the online supplier is available through the school office. We will frequently hold second hand uniform sales for all families.