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Trampolining, Art & Drama at TTS!

All Year 5 children were invited to The Turing secondary school to take part in a fun-filled taster day. All of the children took part in three exciting sessions.

The first was PE where the children got to use the trampolines and learn lots of different skills. They were taught how to safely get on and off the trampoline, how to do a seat landing and half twist and then how to use these together to do swivel hips! The trampolining session finished with showing off shapes on the trampoline which involved straight jump, tuck jump, pike jump, straddle jump and star.

The next session was Art where the pupils learnt about an artist called Gustav Klimt and used his patterns to create their own artwork. They learnt about cool and warm colours and how to use these against each other to make them 'pop!'

The final session was Drama where the children played lots of fun games and created their own scenes. One game involved pretending to be a broccoli in different ways - we had some sad broccolis, excited broccolis and even sassy broccolis! They learnt that drama is all about story-telling and they created a class story (with a beginning, middle and end) by going around the circle and each person adding only 1 word. These ended up being extremely funny.

The aim of the day was to give the children a taster into secondary life at The Turing and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Thank you to The Turing for a brilliant day.

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