SWALE Science Scholars!

Our Science Scholars enjoyed a day of activities at Shinewater Primary School's dedicated laboratory. Delving deep into forensic science, they explored their fingerprint types; loops, whorls and arches abounded! Moving into the area of providing opportunity for those with sight and hearing disabilities, they devised new and ingenious sporting games and activities for P.E. lessons - an experience which will have given them understanding of the issues involved for deaf and partially sighted students. In an exercise that would have pleased Da Vinci, the group split into pairs and constructed indoor kites from a variety of materials. Through empirical method, they experimented and found solutions and each pair found success, their kites achieving flight with the aid of a handy and powerful fan. Finally, our budding Einsteins, made use of newspaper and tissue paper in order to make their own recycled paper which they will be able to use in their next session in the new year. The Science Scholars day was a wonderful experience for all involved and provided a challenging variety of tasks which left each person counting the days until their next session.
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