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LPA Xmas Tree Results!

All classes were asked to enter the annual Langney Christmas Tree competition again this year. The theme was entwining Christmas with our class theme of Harry Potter characters. The only rule was classes could not use a real tree to decorate, instead they had to create a ‘non-tree’ such as using pinecones, boxes and paper. Here are every class entry. Well done to our KS1 winner, Firenze class in Year 2, with Hermione (Y1) in 2nd place and Moaning Myrtle NEST in 3rd place. Also congratulations to our KS2 winner was Sybil Trelawney class in Year 4 with Dumbledore (Y6) in 2nd Place and Dobby (Y3) in third. Well done to everyone for being so creative and decorating our brilliant school!

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