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Big Bang Science Fair

A group of 10 scientists from Years 5 and 6 went to The Big Bang Fair at the South of England Show Ground. What a day they had!

There was so much to see and do. They started with a Magic Science Show where they had front row seats and spent the whole show being volunteers for a variety of "tricks." The children then designed with lego, completed a Maths challenge, painted with "hot glue" pens and watched marshmallows grow twice the size! The children then took part in a workshop called "Now Press Play" where the children had to put on headphones and enter an imaginary space capsule. They were transported to another world where they explored Science in a completely new way...and this all happened before lunch!

With their bellies full and a quick game of charades, just for fun, the children set off to the "Pythagoras Marquee." Here the children held cockroaches, programmed computers, played robot wars and watched the effects of liquid nitrogen on Blu Tac! Their eyes were popping out at all the amazing activities that were available; not only were they having fun but learning so much Science too!

An excellent day was had by all and as always, the Langney children's behaviour out shone all the other 8,000 pupils!

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