Online Safety
Internet Safety for children has never been so important. At Langney Primary Academy, we constantly review and evolve our internet safety procedures to ensure our pupils are not only protected from the dangers of the Internet and World Wide Web but are also fully informed and educated on how best to deal with online threats and concerns.
Being educated about Internet Safety is an essential life skill. Providing children with the knowledge to protect themselves and their personal information is a key focus throughout our pupils’ digital learning.
At Langney Primary Academy, we have utilised the safety benefits of Google Apps by providing all our Key Stage 2 pupils with their own enhanced Google account; with the significant dividend of allowing the school to maintain administration rights, oversee safety filters and access or block particular websites. Pupils can create and manage their own passwords, bookmarks, web apps and page personalisation but within an environment that is designed with age appropriateness in mind.
At Langney Primary Academy, we understand that internet safety concerns differ depending on the standpoint of the individual. We conduct termly meetings, through an Internet Safety Committee, which has representation from a wide range of stakeholders; from pupils to staff to governors to parents. Minutes are recorded in each meeting and the documentation made available to all committee members for their records. The Internet Safety Committee is a key driver in the delivery the internet safety throughout our school and aims to stay ahead of internet safety developments.
Our dedication to internet safety extends beyond just our pupils. Allowing our pupils’ parents to adapt to the fast changing digital world is an important aspect of our whole community internet safety development. With our pupils fast gaining a wealth of knowledge and experience of cloud storage, personal accounts and web-based applications we understand parents can feel daunted by the ever-evolving digital world their children are growing up in. At Langney Primary, we offer adult computing workshops, centred on bridging the gap between pupil/parent understanding of internet usage and safety.
To ensure purposeful teaching and learning, our Computing Curriculum dedicates a whole term to internet safety, differentiated to the needs of the child. Pupils are encouraged to discuss their own concerns and an ‘Internet Safety Box,’ located in our Computing Suite, is available and used to promote child led, child centred teaching and learning. Additionally, to maintain the high profile and importance of internet safety, the International ‘Safer Internet Day’ is embraced and celebrated, along with whole school assemblies. Every term also begins with a bite-sized, internet safety theme.
Learning from experiences can help mould and improve development. If and when incidents involving internet safety occur, a record is made. Lessons are learnt and improvements are made. This is incredibly valuable for enabling purposeful progress and improvement in our school’s continual desire to advance not only internet safety but also digital excellence.
A selection of parent information portals have been provided below.
Please click on each one to obtain more information on how to better equip yourself on how to promote a safer internet for your family.
Know what your children are doing online and who they are talking to.
Ask them to teach you to use any applications you have never used.
Keeping the computer in a family room means that you can share your child’s online experience – and that they are less likely to act inappropriately (i.e. via webcam).
Help your children to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends — personal information includes their messenger ID, email address, mobile number and any pictures of themselves, their family or friends.
If your child publishes a picture or video online, anyone can change it or share it.
Remind them that anyone may be looking at their images and one day a future employer could! If your child receives spam/junk email & texts, remind them never to believe them, reply to them or use them.
It’s not a good idea for your child to open files that are from people they don’t know.
They won’t know what they contain — it could be a virus, or worse — an inappropriate image or film.
Help your child to understand that some people lie online and therefore it’s better to keep online mates online. They should never meet up with any strangers without an adult they trust. Always keep communication open for a child to know that it’s never too late to tell someone if something makes them feel uncomfortable.
Teach young people how to block someone online and how to report them if they feel uncomfortable.